Wave-Particle Duality

wave-particle dualityOn a quantum level, things are very counterintuitive, if not outright weird. Much of it has to do with a concept called wave-particle duality. Matter and energy go back and forth and forth and back, at one point being a wave and then suddenly becoming a particle. A given particle can be anywhere or nowhere at once. It can bounce around the universe in discontinuous leaps without having to traverse the expanse in-between, just “popping up.” It can become entangled with a partner particle and communicate with it faster than the speed of light. According to the Copenhagen School of quantum mechanics , led by Neils Bohr, a wave cannot “collapse” into its particle state until it is observed. In fact, there is a famous experiment, called the “Double Slit Experiment”  (which you can even try at home) where light acts like either a wave or a particle depending upon the observer’s involvement or lack thereof. Thusly, we live in an observer-dependent universe where human consciousness plays a role in the fabric of reality. This leads to many intriguing possibilities, many of which are explored in Time Framed.

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Time Framed

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