“…TIME FRAMED is in a league of its own: imaginative, thought-provoking, and conceptually unique.”

TIME FRAMED by Roger Chiocchi explores the complex concepts of time travel, parallel realities and a one-world-order. Since the arrival of the Mayflower into the New World, the Pennfield family has been cursed by a vengeful spirit. The curse claims its victim approximately every sixty years. But an unusual event alters the course of the curse, setting in motion a game of chess across time. Two branches of the Pennfield family, separated by almost 50 years, seek to realign this timeline in favor of their own respective goals. The fate of a seven-year-old boy hangs in the balance.

Honestly, the multitude of ideas in this one novel could span the length of four books. Not to say it wasn’t an interesting read, but the magnitude of each concept almost made my brain explode. The author demonstrates an impressive ability to weave various ideas into a cohesive plot; however, the impact of the story is lost within its seven hundred plus pages. The scattering of strong ideas throughout a novel doesn’t necessarily translate into a focused read.

Now, that being said, TIME FRAMED is in a league of its own: imaginative, thought-provoking, and conceptually unique. The idea of psychic phenomena (ESP, clairvoyance, past life regression, out of body experiences, etc.) and psychiatric disorders (multiple personalities, schizophrenia, bipolar, etc.) emerging from superimposed realities is a brilliant notion. This idea deserves a book if not a series of its own.

Despite the novel revolving around time travel, the one-world-order dynamic intrigued me more. Chiocchi creates a futuristic society reminiscent of a medieval social hierarchy. There are no geographic determinants or boundaries but groupings designated by a person’s level of wealth and IQ. Each grouping is governed by its own tax system and laws. Stringent rules on procreation are implemented on those within this new hierarchy considered to be of a lower class. A fascinating representation of a very real possibility. The ability of the author to portray these concepts without hiccups is a testament to his writing strength. My brain is still trying to recover.





Review by K. Williams

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Time Framed

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